Didinskiy tunnel

Didinsky Tunnel is one of the most visited places for urbantrip enthusiasts in the Sverdlovsk region. It got its name from the station in the vicinity of which it is located.
What to expect:
The entrance to the tunnel is an oval truncated from below. The entrance arch of the tunnel is very beautiful, resembling the shape of a fairy-tale castle. The length of this abandoned railway tunnel is 1123 meters. It is slightly curved, but it still looks through.

Approximate timing of the excursion
9:00 - departure from Ekaterinburg
10:30 - arrival at the tunnel
12:00 - lunch (tea, cookies or hot meal by agreement)
12:30 - departure back to the city
15:00 - return to Ekaterinburg
The time is approximate and can be adjusted depending on the speed of the route and weather conditions.

Organizational details:
  • Price per vehicle (1-4 persons)
  • The excursion is conducted in vehicles prepared for off-roading
  • You will be accompanied by a guide-driver from our team
  • Adults and children can handle with the route
  • There will be hot tea with cookies in the car, you can also order hot meals or take a snack with you.
  • In case of difficult weather conditions the excursion can be postponed or the route can be changed.
  • It is possible to order more than one car, to organize a corporate trip.